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Breeze Pet Salon Policies



Please kindly give 24 hours notice if you cannot make your appointment. Doing this gives us ample time to fill the spot with someone from our cancellation list.


-No call/NO SHOW


If you forget to call or fail to show up for your appointment a $20 NO SHOW fee per dog will be added to your account. If you do this for your first appointment we will not reschedule. 


If you are over 10 minutes late for your appointment there will be a $10 late charge per dog.  Also your dog(s) may be finished later as clients who showed up on time will take priority.


If you are over  15 minutes late for your appointment you will need to reschedule and the NO SHOW fee of $20 fee per dog will be added to your account.



-Maintenance Schedule:  We may require a recurring schedule depending on your desired haircut, your dogs needs and your level of upkeep at home. We will discuss this with you and if you fail to keep to the schedule we may refuse services in the future. 




-Late Pick Up

Please come pick up your dog in a timely manner. Please let us know beforehand if you will be unable to pick up your dog within 30 min of when you are informed that their appointment is complete. 

If your dog is left for over 1 hour after he/she is finished without making prior arrangements with your groomer a daycare fee of $10 will be added to your total for the day.


If you are late picking up and your dog is left past closing time a fee of $10 per 15 minutes will be added to your total for the day.


-Showing up early to pick up


For the safety of your dog please do not show up before we call or the time discussed at drop off. Your pup will get excited if they see you and they may get hurt or we may not be able to finish them!


We realize life happens and we will try our best to accommodate.

All we ask is that you keep in mind that our time is valuable. One late client can put us behind and affect everyone for the rest of the day. Lost revenue from missed appointments can hurts us. This is our career and how we pay our bills and feed our families. Repeated no shows and late pick ups will not be tolerated.


Thank you!


Breeze Pet Salon




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